understood of all, which is the subject of these classes along with its relative opposite the most positive social influence. Many highly intelligent and dedicated men and women have applied themselves to understanding this phenomenon and have had some successes. But the greatest factor of all they have often completely missed because they are part of it. We are all part of it to some degree or another. We cannot see it because we are incapable of objectivity, because we are it. It is so much a part of us, and we of it, that we are nearly incapable of recognizing it.
We are all part of a deceptive and violent world order which enslaves the human race through false ideologies and philosophies, so it can live in and through us, teaching us to accept and prefer its deceptive and violent ways. Those most lost in its deceptions do not know what the free and unfree world is, and cannot so much as define the free society or distinguish it from the unfree.
Unfree men run from one philosophy, one religion, one political party to another. They can see the evils of other men and other groups, as they are apparently different from themselves; but because they are caught up in the same underlying spiritual corruption, they are, in effect, spiritually dead, and thus lack self-awareness. They are unable to
Learning How Freedom Works