Once complete, follow the white rabbit to advance further and break free of the world's slave matrix.
purpose of law and government.
should help other people in need.
organized by a political system which dominates the whole society by force, or organized peacefully, through people’s own free choices, with strict limitations upon political activities.
they think they are free.
when they are changing the laws so that those in authority and their agents can commit violent and criminal acts legally.
#11. Which 2 or 3 of these characteristics are most likely found in free and unfree societies?
Which group or groups below are likely to hypocritically give lip service to liberty and a free society but are unlikely to actually support and uphold the principles and institutions of freedom in practice and, in fact, can normally be found working to establish an unfree society?
(Give the best 1 or 2 answers)
Benjamin Franklin expressed an idea which was important to many early Americans, like Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson, when he said, “Those who are willing to give up liberty for security deserve neither and lose both.” What do early Americans mean by this statement? (Give the best 1 or 2 answers)
#1. Is your society moving toward freedom or toward tyranny?
At how fast a rate?
#2. On a freedom scale from 1 to 10, Communist Russia being a 1, Nazi Germany being a 2, and a totally free society being a 10, where would you put the United States of America today?
#3. On the same freedom scale, where would you put the average median nation of the world today?
#4. On the same freedom scale, where was the U.S. 100 years ago?
#5. On the same freedom scale, where do you think the US will be in 20 years.
leaning political ideologies and their agendas are the best way to govern a society.
#8. Which 1 or 2 answers below best describe free people’s attitude toward politics?
to bring people together to achieve political ends.
strictly limit all political activity so that people can live free of the violence of political plans, plots, programs , and schemes.
dispersed and limited government.
One of the principle differences between free and unfree people is the way they see political power. Freer people believe in strictly limiting political power and keeping it small; unfree people believe in expanding political power to achieve their social and political ends. One place of tension between these free and unfree ideas is the way they see their own nation in relation to other nations in the world. George Washington was one of many, in early America, who expressed a portion of the vision of a free nation when he said, “Friendly relations with all, tangling alliances with none.” What does George Washington and other early Americans mean by a statement like this? (The best 1 or 2 answers)
What might be the most foundational principle of a free people, was expressed by many early Americans, in speeches and writing, like Thomas Jefferson when he said, “The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time.” –and John Adams when he said, “You have rights antecedent to all earthly governments: rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws; rights derived from the Great Legislator of the universe.”–and Frederic Bastiat, the French historian, wrote, “Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” What do free people mean, when they make these kinds of statements? (The best 1 or 2 answers)
neighbors are expected to live with one another, in their own neighborhood: generally minding your own business, being friendly and helping others in a peaceful way, if they need it, and never attacking other people’s families or seeking to take control of their homes through bribes and armed invasion.
sticking their heads in the sand and ignoring the rest of the world.
between individual freedom and the security of the state.
powers of the state to keep people safe is always a delusion, believed only by the most ignorant, unfree people of history.
must give up one in order to have more of the other, one or the other is the opposite of what it is pretending to be.
days, but we live in a dangerous world today and would be wise to always side with security over freedom.
friends with various subsidies and foreign aid; destroy your enemies through embargoes, blockades, bombing and military occupation.
Therefore, whatever laws they make have essentially come from God and are approved by God.
genuine laws of the Universe, as they apply to the social order of man.
right to make such a law or enforce and uphold such a law, is not acting lawfully but is in fact working to lift up a violent anarchy against the laws of the Universe and of the God who gave law and government to man in order to defend and protect liberty, not destroy it.
restrain this evil nature of mankind by constantly passing and enforcing new laws whenever people think of some new evil to do.
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